sludge doom
Albums scraped2021-12-05T12:45:41.105Z
Last updated2021-12-13T08:52:34.570Z
Released at
14Melvins - Gluey Porch Treatments1987
1Eyehategod - Take As Needed For Pain1993-09-09
2Crowbar - Crowbar1993-10-12
12Grief - Dismal1993
52Grief - Come To Grief1994
4Noothgrush - Erode the Person1998
97Toner Low - Aqui1998
43Goatsblood - Goatsblood2000-04-04
93Charger - Foul Year of Our Lord2000-11-13
37Thou - Degradation of Human Life2001-04-03
56Noothgrush - Failing Early, Failing Often2001
29Buried at Sea - Demo2002
34Thou - unmastered full length songs2002
39Grief - Turbulent Times2002
86Malasangre - A Bad Trip To...2002
21Halo - Body of Light2003-08-26
74Khanate - Things Viral2003-10-06
77Graves at Sea - Documents of Grief2003
89Eyes Of Fire - Ashes To Embers2004-03-23
15Lair of the Minotaur - Carnage2004-08-23
83Abandon - In Reality We Suffer2004-09
88Grievous - One Breath From Winter2004-11
23Otesanek - Otesanek2004
84Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon - Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon2004
10Eyehategod - Preaching the End-Time Message2005-05-10
13Eyehategod - Preaching the "End-Time" Message2005-05-10
80Clagg - Let the Galaxy Burn2005-06
27Khanate - Capture & Release2005-08-23
94Sin Of Angels - From The Ashes2005-11-25
9Ramesses - The Tomb2005
26Lazarus Blackstar - Revelations2005
33Ocean - Here Where Nothing Grows2005
68Ultralord - Act I2005
19Atavist - Atavist2006-01
87Zoroaster - Zoroaster2006-07-11
90God's Temple Of Family Deliverance - God's Temple Of Family Deliverance2006-11-29
16Suma - Let The Churches Burn2006
40Electric Wizard - Electric Wizard / Orange Goblin split EP2006
45Sea of Bones - Grave of the Mammoth2006
53Black Shape of Nexus - Demo2006
73Kingdom - Kingdom2006
91Beneath Oblivion - Existence without purpose2006
100GARADAMA - Garadama II2006
75Gloomy Sunday - Beyond Good and Evil2007-03-08
82Spancer - Slowly We Rock2007-03
71Ramesses - Misanthropic Alchemy2007-06-04
42Thou - demo2007-06-26
81Roanoke - Stormbringer2007-09-18
24Sea of Bones - The Harvest2007
55Moloch - Demo2007
63Cough - The Kingdom2007
78Volition - Volition2008-01-01
22Dystopia - Dystopia2008-02-10
7Cough - Sigillum Luciferi2008-03-24
85Lair of the Minotaur - War Metal Battle Master2008-03-25
51Pombagira - The Crooked Path2008-05
35Thou - Peasant2008-07
11Salome - Salome2008-08
8Samothrace - Life's Trade2008
59Atavist - Alchemic Resurrection2008
67Lazarus Blackstar - Tomb Of Internal Winter2008
79Aldebaran - From Forgotten Tombs2008
99Sin Of Angels - In The Grip Of Despair2008
25Pombagira - Black Axis Abraxas2009-04
57Abandon - The Dead End [CD1]2009-08-00
76Abandon - The Dead End [CD2]2009-08-00
44Haggatha - Haggatha2009-09-10
31Abandon - The Dead End2009-10-09
72Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight - Movin On2009-10-30
17Thou - Baton Rouge, You Have Much to Answer For2009-11-24
30Clagg - Lord of The Deep2009
70Ramesses - Baptism of the Walking Dead2009
36Conan - Horseback Battle Hammer2010-01-04
18Ramesses - Take the Curse2010-04-19
62Fistula - Goat2010-06-14
98Suma - ashes2010-06-24
6Thou - Summit2010-06
41Union Of Sleep - Death In The Place of Rebirth2010-10-00
5Cough - Ritual Abuse2010-10-26
28Pombagira - Baron Citadel2010
58Oak - ii2010
60Hellbeard - Scarecrow2010
48Ramesses - Possessed by the Rise of Magik2011-05-01
47Heavy Lord - Balls to All2011-05-09
64Beneath Oblivion - From Man To Dust2011-09-27
54Demonic Death Judge - The Descent2011-10-19
69Herem - II2011-11-16
32Thou - We Pass Like Night, From Land to Land2011
92Electric Wizard - Legalise Drugs & Murder2012-10
46Thou - Peasant LP2012
20Meth Drinker - Meth Drinker2013-05-03
95Jucifer - за волгой для нас земли нет2013-07-17
66Nomadic Rituals - Holy Giants2013-08-14
49Mourning Cloak - No Visible Light2013-08
61Leather Lung - Reap What You Sow2014-09-10
65The Body & Thou - You, Whom I Have Always Hated2015-01-27
50Vaee Solis - Adversarial Light2015-03-20
38Black Shape of Nexus - S/T2015-07-19
3Agoraphobic Nosebleed - Arc2016-01-22
96Cough - An Introduction to the Black Arts2016-06-03